Sunday, 31 March 2013

OOTW (Outfit of the Week): Can You Wear Lagenlook to the Office?

OOTW (Outfit of the Week): Can You Wear Lagenlook to the Office?
Can you wear lagenlook outfits to work? I think you can.  In fact, I think these outfits would be right at home in an office with a business-casual dress code. I designed these for a winter’s day, but with the long, cold spring we’re having in the UK this year, I think they’d be ideal right now!
**Apologies for the long hiatus in posting. Life having calmed down a bit now, I will resume posting on Thursdays, with new articles, outfit ideas and brand profiles**



  1. Hi there! I just wanted to tell you how helpful your blog is-- I'm a 50-year old professional musician, Tarot Counselor and writer. I, too have been searching for a style that reflects my artistic sensibilities, yet is also age appropriate. Keep the great posts coming! Resources for this sort of thing are difficult to find!

  2. Please have a look at my website:
    I`m an ex-Londoner who is in Californa. We`ve been designing Lagenlook clothing since 2007.
